Tuesday, February 24, 2009

when two people love eachother very much...


Kirk Castro said...

the one of kivi is rad. hahaha

The Johnsons said...

When two people love each other very much....they have many kids? That's the conclusion I came to hear. Ha! I love the pics Shmee! thank you sooo much. I need you to make me a disk, cause they don't download so great. I love you!!

Unknown said...

Hey Shannon,
Jon told me you did photography, so I searched your name and found this. You have some great stuff! I always like seeing what people like to shoot and how they do it. I do a little photography myself, but have been a bit of a slacker lately. Anyways, nice meeting you last night. Talk to you later!


ps. thanks for calling jeremy out on the icecream! I loved it when I walked in and heard that, haha.